Monday, July 27, 2009


It's weird how calm I am in a real emergency when I can be so crazy emotional over small stuff. I was involved in a real emergency last night, designated so by the police. I made the calls I needed to make, got the person who needed to get to a safe place to said safe place, shared information that needed sharing, and calmly went home without that person at 2am. Meanwhile, it was just a couple of days ago that I was batshit insane because a piece of paper had yet to be put in the mail. Now granted, there are serious financial consequences to that piece of paper not being mailed. It's still not mailed, and I'm still relatively batshit. But, in a real crisis, when I need to be calm, I've still got it.


Sage Ravenwood said...

Amazingly we do find those hidden reserves when we need them most. (Hugs)Indigo

Jay said...

In moments like that, I feel as if my professional brain slips into gear and I start to function on a different level. Sam and I once witnessed a horrible car accident, and I remember sitting and looking at the driver ejected from the car and not knowing what to do - until someone else approached him. I said "They can't move his neck" and jumped out of the car. Sam said it was if a switch flipped. And I was calm and even in charge until the ambulance came; I assisted the EMTs and helped load the man onto the helicopter - and then got back in our car and shook.

Ms Hen's said...

Sometimes when I'm in shock I'm calm and handle all efficiently.. but the after effects can occur a week or two later.