Sunday, March 22, 2009

5 words

I asked Jay for 5 words to describe me.

The deal is she gives me five words that she associates with me, I write about each one and offer to provide five words for any readers who would like to do their own. If you're interested, let me know in comments.

Jay's words for me were attachment, commitment, clarity, healing, contemplation. I just wrote about clarity. Here's the rest of my homework.

I don't really blog about this because I have to be careful about confidentiality even with the anonymity I've tried to maintain here, but I'm a foster parent. A few of the kids I've fostered over the years have been diagnosed with or show characteristics of Reactive Attachment Disorder, which develops when a child doesn't form a healthy attachment with a primary caregiver. I talked a bit about RAD when I discovered my own spiritual fanny pack. It's interesting that these particular kids keep finding their way into my life as I'm slowly learning to develop more healthy attachments of my own. So much of my learning has come from the kids themselves, as well as an amazing group of RAD moms. I connected with this group of women online almost 15 years ago and I'll be flying across the country in a couple of weeks to visit them.

Commitment- One of the characteristics of codependency is a tendency to be too loyal, remaining in situations that are harmful. For me, this characteristic can be one of my biggest character defects or my biggest assets. I can make a difference by committing to a child who has never experienced that before. I've worked through the rough patches in my relationship by my strong commitment. But, sometimes, I've hurt myself when the commitment I make is not necessarily reciprocated. I'm learning today that I need to commit to myself as deeply as I commit to others. And sometimes, when the person I commit to is unwilling or unable to make the same commitment to me, the best thing I can do is to detach with love and take care of me.

Healing: I'm finding healing through my journey through the 12 steps. I'm developing a newfound relationship with a power greater than myself and even a newfound relationship with me. I'm learning better ways of relating to my partner that have turned out to be healthier for both of us. I'm learning to change my focus and change my life.

Contemplation: One of the greatest gifts for me of recovery has been blogging. When it's just me and the page (or more likely the screen,) I can engage in whatever circular thinking I need to use to get where I'm meant to go. I can let myself be so easily distracted by other people's thoughts and feelings. But, left to my own devices, I've really surprised myself along the way with my own insights.

So that's it. Another homework assignment out of the way. Comment here if you want your own set of 5 words.


Anonymous said...

This sounds hard. So of course I want 5 words. :)

Unknown said...

I like your "commitment" paragraph. My wife and I just read an entry on commitment last night in a Melody Beattie book, and it was similar to what you say here. Commitment is as much to myself as others. She emphasizes really trusting your instincts when deciding whether or not to commit to something.

Jay said...

I also found your commitment paragraph full of wisdom. I have sometimes been so committed to a job, or a vision of myself in a particular role, that I ignore the unhealthy reality for too long.

I love the idea of learning about healthy attachment from the kids in your life. Such a gift, to go with the gifts they have given you.

Thank you for doing this. I'm honored that you took the words so seriously (but not surprised). I hope it was a meaningful experience for you, and not just something to tick off your list.

Recovery Discovery (R) said...

MPJ, here are your words: sensory, trust, recovery, words, and meditation. And for extra credit: unmanageable ;-)

Thanks, Eli!

Jay, it really was a meaningful experience for me. Thanks for picking my words.

MargauxMeade said...

I, too, love what you had to say about commitment--it really helped me sort out something I've been wrestling with. Thanks, R.

Oh, and can I, too, have five words please?

Recovery Discovery (R) said...

Ok, Margaux,

discovery, steps, yoga, self-care, risk