Sunday, October 5, 2008

service work as an opportunity to work through character defects

I heard in an OA meeting not too long ago that service work was an opportunity to work through character defects. I didn't believe it, but it's true. I've recently taken on some service work in my online step study. One role I took on was homework monitor. We all made some shared agreements about how we would do homework on the steps. We agreed that if people didn't post for two consecutive weeks, they'd be put out, but that they could request the opportunity to come back if they agreed to do the work.

I was one of the people who agreed to share the role of monitoring. The first time I did it, I totally obsessed. I counted each response for each individual in the group. It wasn't too hard, because it was only the first week, so there was no worry that someone could actually reach the limit of being out. But I started getting anxious. What if they answered some questions, but not all? How do I word a reminder?

By my next turn, people actually being put out became a distinct possibility. I decided to add yet another reminder. This time, I'm serious, kinda thing. I told them that I'd be checking the next day, and gave the time. When a couple people didn't respond or post, I had a really hard time. So, here I was having the opportunity to practice setting and enforcing my boundaries. AFGO!!!

It was kinda reassuring this week, when someone else took on the task, and struggled with the same things. I wasn't alone. Shew.

Meanwhile, I discovered that I've been acting out more character defects in the group- people pleasing and controlling. In the beginning, a member of the group asked for help posting the questions. Of course, good codie that I am, I jumped in and did them. Then, week by week, I took on the task of finding someone to post the questions. This week, I just stopped and did nothing. Guess what? The world didn't fall apart. Someone commented that we forgot to find someone to post questions. My anxiety alarms ran, but I did nothing. Someone else picked it up.

Funny, this week, we're working on step 4, and look at all these character defects popping out of hiding. Guess I'd better go do my homework.

1 comment:

Mary P Jones (MPJ) said...

I think this experience has been so interesting for me too, in part because I'm seeing a whole different set of defects in myself. But we'll get to mine soon enough! ;)