Wednesday, December 17, 2008

Knowledge of God's Will for me and the Power to Carry it Out

Our step group is on Step 11. Meanwhile, there's a situation brewing that's not about me but surely is affecting me. I have done absolutely everything I can do to help a kid in my life. But, she doesn't appear to be ready for help. The situation is aligning itself so that it's out of my hands. Usually, I'd be warring, warring, warring. I would KNOW what's best for this kid. The truth is I think I DO know what's best. But I can't make her choices for her. And if she continues on the path she's on, it will be out of my hands, and she'll be out of my life. Today, I'm more at peace with that possibility than I ever thought possible. I know today that I'll be ok no matter what. And when she's ready, the kid will be ok too. I may not be her particular instrument of change. But she's got a Higher Power too. And I can trust that she'll get what she needs, regardless of whether it's what she, or I, want.


Wait. What? said...

I like that you are so open about turning everything over, I guess I need to get closer to that point in my life, I can say that & I know that but something in me has not yet bought into it yet.

Sage Ravenwood said...

At some point (actually the hardest) is knowing when to let go. You can only guide, you can't make the choices for them. All you can do is be there, for when they fall - which as you say they surely will...they will also need someone to be there to help pick them back up and once again try to guide them. (Hugs)Indigo